February 10, 2024

February 10, 2024

Health update:
This is my first Saturday not feeling tip top. Maybe the treatments are catching up with me. But receiving this card in the mail this morning definitely made me feel better.

Please take a moment to read this handwritten poem from an impressive 13 year old young man whom I met at a campout maybe 5 years ago. Can't remember the exact year. Thanks for sharing your big heart with the world Walker! Pam Kohlenberg yall have done a great job raising him!

I'm so blessed to be the recipient of the love and prayers from all of you and from many strangers. I know folks have added me to prayer lists at churches and other groups and I appreciate each one. This journey is hard but I will get through it and yall are a big part of that. And God is the biggest part of getting through this. God, family and friends. That's what life is about!


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Praying better days ahead my sweet friend! ❤️🙏


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